Designed around upon the FBAS comprehensive list of commonly-kept species, these Care Sheets are categorised as those found in FBAS Show Classes.

Details of all species referred to in these Fish Care Sheets can be found in the FBAS Booklet No 6 - National Show Fish Sizes. Click HERE for information.


                                             & associated species            07/04/2002

Genera : Corydoras, Aspidoras, Brochis

Family : Callichthyidae

Geographic Origin : South America

Common Names : Bronze, Peppered, Panda Corydoras; Hog-nosed Brochis

Compatibility : May be kept with most species of fish. Non-aggressive, 
                       shoaling fish.

Minimum aquarium size : The small species of Aspidoras and Corydoras can be
                                     kept in tanks as small as 450 x 250 x 250mm
                                     (18" x 10" x 10") but will generally thrive better
                                     in larger tanks.

Temperature : Ideal temperature is around 750F but will tolerate both higher
                      and lower temperatures. Water temperature is often lowered
                      quite drastically (using cold water at a partial water change) to
                      promote the onset of breeding.

Habitat : Likes a well planted community tank with a gravel substrate.
               Some aquarists use a fairly coarse gravel, others use fine sand-like
               gravel on the principle that it lessens 'wear and tear' on the fishes'
               barbels, although this may be due to bacteria in the substrate
               rather than to particle size (or 'sharpness') of the substrate.

Water Parameters : Although these fish are generally found in soft water,
                              they very readily adapt to hard water to such an extent,
                              that they will happily breed in hard water.

Health : Generally do not suffer with health problems. The nose of the fish
             is sometimes accidentally damaged and may need treatment.
             Treatment should be done in a separate tank.
             If the community tank needs to be treated for White Spot (on other
             fish), ideally, the catfish should be removed before treatment as they
             may be allergic to the particular chosen treatment.

Diet : Catfish, should not only be used for cleaning up uneaten food after
          other fish have had their fill, but should also be fed separately.
          This is best achieved by adding food for them just before the lights are
          turned off at night. They are omnivorous in their diet and particularly
          enjoy frozen bloodworm.

Plants : All species of tropical plants are acceptable. Not plant eaters.

Breeding Notes : Corydoras are egg-depositors, the female carrying the eggs
                          between her pelvic fins to the chosen spawning site.

Availability : There is always a very wide selection available.
                     Research your selection and then check with shops.

Show Class : F.B.A.S. Show Class H Corydoras, Aspidoras
                                        Class Ha Brochis

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