Designed around upon the FBAS comprehensive list of commonly-kept species, these Care Sheets are categorised as those found in FBAS Show Classes.

Details of all species referred to in these Fish Care Sheets can be found in the FBAS Booklet No 6 - National Show Fish Sizes. Click HERE for information.


                                Dwarf Cichlids                    01/03/2002

Species: Apistogramma, Mikrogeophagus, Nannacara, Nanochromis,

Family: Cichlidae

Geographic Origin: South America (many from Brazil), Central and
                             West Africa

Common Names: Cockatoo Cichlid, Rams, Bolivian Rams, Kribensis etc.

Compatibility: Providing they have enough tank space to set up their own
                      territory, they will live quite happily with one another.

Minimum Aquarium Size: One pair of Apistogramma will be fine in a
                                     450mm x 250mm x 250mm (18 x 10 x 10) aquarium,
                                      particularly if you are attempting to breed them.
                                      A 900mm x 380mm x 300mm (36 x 15 x 12) tank
                                     will hold several pairs of fish.

Temperature: 23o/28oC 73o/82oF, there is some fluctuation in nature.

Habitat: Fine gravel/coarse sand. Rockwork to provide hiding places.
             Terracotta flowerpots are ideal (ensure drainage hole is enlarged).

Water Parameters: Ideally, these fish prefer soft acid water but over a
                             period of time, can be changed over to neutral hard water.
                             Water should be filtered. Small weekly water changes.

Health: May have problems with White Spot. This can be treated with
            a proprietary compound.

Diet: Prefer live or frozen foods. Daphnia, Mosquito larvae are readily
          accepted. May accept dried foods.

Plants: May re-arrange the tank to suit themselves, in which case, the plants
           will be uprooted. Use plants attached to rockwork.

Breeding Notes : Secretive, egg-depositors typically using caves (or
                          flowerpots) in which to spawn.

Availability: A number of species are readily available.

Show Class: FBAS Show Class Db

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