The Federation of British Aquatic Societies recognises that its obligation of service
extends beyond its traditional role of providing support for Societies to promote
responsible fishkeeping to all those wishing to keep fishes in captivity.

The Codes have been designed to cover four main areas:

a) Care and protection for all fish kept in captivity.

b) The Transportation and Exhibiting of fishes.

c) The Sale of Fishes at Auctions

d) Fish Care and the Law

Every fishkeeper has a Duty of Care 24 hours a day in respect of any species held by them.

It is recommended that these Codes of Practice are read in conjunction with the series of
CARE SHEETS covering the care in aquarium or pond of most popular groups of fishes,
together with aquarium management advice.

All of these documents can be downloaded from this website.

Please click on the Code of Practice logo of your choice below to view,
or click 'Download' if preferred.

          Download                      Download                        Download                        Download

Last updated December 2021