Details of all species referred to in these Fish Care Sheets can be found in the FBAS Booklet No 6 - National Show Fish Sizes. Click HERE for information.
Labyrinth Fish 01/03/2002
Genera: Betta, Ctenopoma, Trichogaster, Trichopsis, etc
Family: Anabantidae, Belontidae.
Geographic Origin: Africa and Asia.
Common Names: Siamese Fighting Fish, Leeri or Pearl, Three-spot,
Croaking and Sparkling Gouramies, Climbing Perches.
Compatibility: Many of the 'Gouramies' are compatible with one another and
with other species e.g. Tetras. Siamese Fighters can only be
kept on their own. Predatory Climbing Perches (Ctenopoma) are
best kept in a species aquarium.
Minimum aquarium size: The small Gouramies can be safely accommodated in a
600mm x 380mm x 300mm (24” x 15” x 12”) aquarium.
As ever though, a larger aquarium is always
to be preferred. A well-fitting hood is essential if
considering keeping the Climbing Perches -
because they do!
Temperature: These fish are from regions where the water temperature can be
over 30oC(86oF) and as low as 15oC/60oF.
Set aquarium water around 25oC/78oF.
Habitat: Many are found in rice paddies and in small ponds in wooded areas.
They are air-breathing, which is fortunate as their natural water
conditions may often be very poor, but this does not mean water
conditions in the aquarium should be neglected!
Water Parameters: They benefit from having a good clean water environment.
Most are quite happy in hard water.
Benefit from a weekly water change of 25%.
Health: No particular problems health-wise.
Diet: Will readily accept all dried, frozen and live foods such as Daphnia.
Plants: All species of tropical plant are acceptable in the aquarium.
Breeding Notes : The breeding tank should have plenty of plant refuges into
which the female can safely retreat.
Although the Chocolate Gourami is a mouthbrooder, the
majority are bubblenest builders with eggs being guarded by
the male after spawning. Remove female at this time.
Availability: Many, such as Three-spot and Leeri Gouramies, are readily
available; others are less so.
Show Class: Betta splendens (Fighting Fish) Class Ea
other Labyrinths Class E.
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