Designed around upon the FBAS comprehensive list of commonly-kept species, these Care Sheets are categorised as those found in FBAS Show Classes.

Details of all species referred to in these Fish Care Sheets can be found in the FBAS Booklet No 6 - National Show Fish Sizes. Click HERE for information.


                                                    Loaches                    01/02/2002

Genera: Botia, Gyrinocheilus ,Nemacheilus, Pangio.

Family: Balitoridae, Cobitidae.

Geographic Origin: Virtually worldwide distribution with the exception of
                             South America and Australia.

Common Names: Chinese Algae Eater, Chain, Clown, Tiger Loaches.

Compatibility: Generally quite peaceful fish, that are well suited to a
                      community aquarium. Many are nocturnal by nature, hiding away
                      during 'tank-lit' hours. Large specimens of the Chinese Algae
                      Eater (which actually isn't a Loach) may become aggressive, as
                      may groups of five or more of the Botia species.

Minimum Aquarium Size: Should not be kept in tanks of less than
                                     600mm x300mm x 300mm (24” x 12” x 12”).
                                     Bigger aquariums are much better as the fish
                                     tend to move around the tank searching for food.

Temperature: With a few exceptions, all are quite happy at temperatures
                      between 20o/27oC 70 o/80oF.

Habitat: Most are found in rivers or hill streams (these are often considerably
              cooler and may be fast flowing). Like a well planted tank with
              rockwork or places to hide.

Water Parameters: Undemanding, providing it is clean and clear.
                             A weekly water change of 25% is recommended.

Health: Some - particularly the Clown Loach (Chromobotia macracanthus) - are
            often susceptible to White Spot. Treat with proprietary medicines
            but be aware that fishes with very small scales may be adversely
            affected by the remedy.

Diet: Dried,frozen and live foods such as Daphnia and Tubifex are all readily
         accepted. Algae wafers are beneficial to their diet.

Plants: All tropical plants are acceptable in the aquarium.

Breeding Notes : An area shrouded in mystery, although some spawnings,
                         especiallyBotia macracanthus, have reportedlyoccurred
                         naturally in aquariums.

Availability: Many different species are available.

Show Class: Usually FBAS Show Classes L or La. Some in Class M or W.

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Last updated October 2016