Designed around upon the FBAS comprehensive list of commonly-kept species, these Care Sheets are categorised as those found in FBAS Show Classes.

Details of all species referred to in these Fish Care Sheets can be found in the FBAS Booklet No 6 - National Show Fish Sizes. Click HERE for information.


                                       Small Asian Barbs            01/02/99
                                      (up to 75mm standard length)

Genera: Barbus, ie. Barbus cumingi, B.oligolepis, B.nigrofasciatus,
, etc.
See those fishes listed in the current Federation's Size Book under Class B.

Family: Cyprinidae.

Geographic origin: South-East Asia including the Indian Sub-Continent.

Common Name: Generally Barb. Most of the fishes in this group have
                      common names. e.g. Barbus oligolepis - Checkered Barb;
                      Barbus tetrazona - Tiger Barb; Barbus nigrofasciatus -
                      Ruby Barb.

Compatibility: Normally peaceful. Best kept in a small groups (6+).
                      Has had a reputation for fin nipping (through boredom?) when
                      kept as a solitary specimen or in very small numbers.
                      These are active and colorful fish well suited for a community

Minimum Aquarium Size: 600mm x 380mm x 300mm (24” x 15” x 12”).
                                    With lighting hood and cover glass fitted.
                                    As with the majority of fish, the bigger
                                    the aquarium the better

Temperature: 18o/28oC 65oF/80oF . Best around 24oC/75oF,
                      some fluctuation is normal in nature.

Habitat: Best kept in a well planted community aquarium with a coarse sand
              or gravel substrate, gentle water movement by internal or
              preferably an external filter is most beneficial.

Water: Tolerant of most types but soft, acidic water better when breeding.
             Keep the water clean and sweet smelling. Change about 25% once a
             week: do not simply keep topping up evaporation losses.
             See Aquarium Management Care Sheet No: 8 (Routine Maintenance).

Health: Isolate at once any fish that appears sick and treat it in a separate
           container. Do not dispose of dead fish by flushing them down the
           toilet. Incinerate or wrap in paper and put in the dustbin.

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Last updated April 2016