I have three Black Widow Tetras that I was just able to cure of ICK...I am a new fish owner and unfortunately lost one in the process. I
have learned a lot through this ICK problem. Now I am just ready to put my tank back together.
I have been watching my fish VERY close and noticed a day ago
one tiny raised bump on a gill. It is on the cheek area not the gill opening and it has a small black dot in the middle. Today I noticed the exact same bump on the
other cheek. It looks sort of like a person with a black head pimple "sorry" and you can't see it unless the fish is staring directly at you.
Do you have any thoughts on what this might be?
I would hate to put my tank back together "they are in a hospital tank now" and then have a problem surface again. Any thoughts would be GREATLY appreciated. Jody
As you have happily found, White Spot or 'Ich' is both easy to diagnose and to treat successfully so you should not have any worries on that front. There is 'Black
Spot' disease which may be what your fish are showing but it is doubtful, as this disease (found more often in marine fishes) has a rather peculiar
life pattern in freshwater; its development involves birds, ponds and snails to which, of course, your fishes would not have been exposed.
The literature appears to regard Black Spot as not too life-threatening anyway which is a relief especially as treatment is not always effective. Remedies
containing metriphonate are usually advised.
We suggest you continue to observe your fish - an easy thing to do if they are still in an isolation tank. Give them a week or so to see if any further
symptoms manifest themselves. If the fish seem to be eating and swimming normally (not scratching themselves against rocks or plants), then you should
be reasobaly safe in returning them to your main aquarium.