Details of all species referred to in these Fish Care Sheets can be found in the FBAS Booklet No 6 - National Show Fish Sizes. Click HERE for information.
Small Asian Barbs 01/02/99
(up to 75mm standard length)
Genera: Barbus, ie. Barbus cumingi, B.oligolepis, B.nigrofasciatus,
B.tetrazona, etc.
See those fishes listed in the current Federation's Size Book under Class B.
Family: Cyprinidae.
Geographic origin: South-East Asia including the Indian Sub-Continent.
Common Name: Generally Barb. Most of the fishes in this group have
common names. e.g. Barbus oligolepis - Checkered Barb;
Barbus tetrazona - Tiger Barb; Barbus nigrofasciatus -
Ruby Barb.
Compatibility: Normally peaceful. Best kept in a small groups (6+).
Has had a reputation for fin nipping (through boredom?) when
kept as a solitary specimen or in very small numbers.
These are active and colorful fish well suited for a community
Minimum Aquarium Size: 600mm x 380mm x 300mm (24” x 15” x 12”).
With lighting hood and cover glass fitted.
As with the majority of fish, the bigger
the aquarium the better
Temperature: 18o/28oC 65oF/80oF . Best around 24oC/75oF,
some fluctuation is normal in nature.
Habitat: Best kept in a well planted community aquarium with a coarse sand
or gravel substrate, gentle water movement by internal or
preferably an external filter is most beneficial.
Water: Tolerant of most types but soft, acidic water better when breeding.
Keep the water clean and sweet
smelling. Change about 25% once a
week: do not simply keep topping up evaporation losses.
See Aquarium Management Care Sheet No: 8 (Routine Maintenance).
Health: Isolate at once any fish that appears sick and treat it in a separate
container. Do not dispose of dead fish by flushing them down the
toilet. Incinerate or wrap in paper and put in the dustbin.
© FBAS 1999. RDE/RCM Fish Care Sheet 1 1/2
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