Details of all species referred to in these Fish Care Sheets can be found in the FBAS Booklet No 6 - National Show Fish Sizes. Click HERE for information.
Small Asian Barbs 01/02/99
(up to 75mm standard length)
Diet: Omnivorous. Any proprietary brand of Tropical Fish Food.
Alternative food should always be given, with a form of live food
recommended at least twice a week - Daphnia, Bloodworms, Gnat Lava,
chopped earthworm, etc.
DO NOT OVERFEED, most problems start with this as the cause.
Plants: All types of Tropical Plants acceptable. Not known as a plant eater.
Breeding Notes: Egglayer. Uses the egg scattering method, the males chasing
the females. Eggs are slightly adhesive, use dense, bushy
plants, or nylon mops, as egg-receptacles.To deter egg-eating
by parents, remove parents after spawning.
Newly-hatched Brine Shrimp ideal as a first food for fry.
Availability: Widely available. Only select alert free swimming fish with all
fins being held erect, with no signs of damage on body and fins
and clean bright body colors. Reject lethargic, damaged or
hollow bellied specimens
Show Class: FBAS Class 'B'
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