The letters in (brackets) indicate the following:
J = Judge F = Films O = Overhead Projection
S = Slides V = Video Projection
Mr.B.Brown, Discus - Their Upkeep and Breeding.
12 Susan Close,
Essex RM7 8ET
Mr. T.A. Butler, (SVO) African and American Cichlids, Aquascapes,
47 Falcon Gardens, Marines (General), Photographing and Videoing Fish
Arun Park, Several Quizes With Slides, General Fishkeeping.
West Sussex BN17 7RA
Mr. C. Cheswright, A wide range of subjects with 'Wild Livebearers'
2 Cedar Avenue, and Conservation topics a speciality.
Essex SS12 9TD
Mr P.R.Cooke Rainbow Fishes
10 Greenside Close,
Henbury, Bristol,
Avon BS10 7PT
Mr. B. Dale, Everything you need to Know about Garden Ponds. Keeping Koi.
61 Manvers Road,
East Sussex.
Mr. J. Egan, (JS) Barbs, Characins, Cichlids, Catfish, Rasboras, Labyrinths,
53 Pentre Afan, Livebearers, A.O.V. Egglayers, Society Tableaux.
Baglan Moors, Port Talbot,
West Glamorgan SA12 7RN.
Mrs. L. Fern, (S) Cichlids.
5 Winding Shot,
Hemel Hempstead,
Hertfordshire HP1 3QQ
Dr. D.M. Ford, (S) Aquarian and Atlantis Products, International
26 Clare Hall Apartments, Public Aquariums, Successful Fishkeeping.
Prescott Street, Halifax,
West Yorkshire HX1 2HQ
Mr Ian Fuller, (S) Many Catfish subjects but especially those based around
68 Canterbury Road, the Corydoradininae family of fishes.
Worcestershire DY11 6EU
Mr. D.Langdon, Coldwater Fishkeeping, Killifish, General Tropical Fishkeeping
189 Preston Road,
Somerset BA20 2EC
Mr. R.C. Mills, (SV) Many aquatic subjects (Coldwater, Tropical, Marines),
10 Rosken Grove, from Angelfish to Worldwide Aquariums. Aquarama 2003/5/7.
Farnham Royal, Depending on title, presentation can be slides or projected
Slough, Berkshire SL2 3DZ video. Own equipment used, host Society just provides a screen.
Mr. R. Potts, (S) All in a Bag of Daphnia - Parts 1,2 & 3,
25 Oaks Drive, On the Beach - Parts 1 & 2, Anatomy of Fishes,
Cannock, Scale of the Century, Aquarium Equipment.
Staffordshire WS11 1EU
Mr. G. Steptowe, (JS) Cichlids, Stamps With Fishes,
Brentwood, Some Fishes of the Hawaiian Islands.
Essex 40 years of Fish keeping � Slide show of general fish
Keeping/Breeding Amphibians - Newts, Salamanders, Frogs
  African Cichlids of Lakes Malawi and Tanganyika
Mr. A. Stevens, (J) Livebearers in General, Tetras and their upkeep.
256, Market Street,
Eastleigh, Hampshire SO5 5QB
Mrs. A. Telford, (SO) On behalf of All Clear Water Purifiers.
Juglans, Church Green, Tap water and its effect on Fishes & Plants,
Wattisfield, Fishkeeping The Balance no skill can be used in isolation,
Diss IP22 1NS (Audience Participation). (TRADE SPEAKER)
Mr. B. Walsh, (JS) Economic Fishkeeping, Breeding Tropicals,
9 Marsh Terrace, General Fishkeeping, Small Characins, Large Characins,
Darwen, Several Quizes, Many Other Subjects
Lancashire BB3 OHF
Last updated September 2024S