Whilst the Federation of British Aquatic Societies has kept abreast of developments, proffered its views and, where justified, agreed with certain recommendations it is obligated to inform Member Societies of their responsibilities to the 1998 Order.
A notice waiving host Societies’ responsibilities for exhibitors not in possession of the necessary licence to keep any affected species on the bench could be displayed at Open Shows or included in Show Schedules.
Show Organisers may ask to see exhibitors’ licences where applicable or place a sticker - bringing attention to the 1988 Order requirement -
on any exhibit containing an affected species.
The information on the following pages is based on material issued by part of the Environmental Agency, DEFRA.
You can obtain updated information from the DEFRA HELPLINE
tel: 08459 33 55 77, or email helpline@defra.gsi.gov.uk).